Veterinarian speaks out about suicide

Veterinarian speaks out about suicide

September 16, 2016

Dr Andy Roark speaks out about veterinarian suicide
“It doesn’t have to be this way….. “

Published on Sep 16, 2016

Veterinarians are at a greater risk of committing suicide than members of any other profession. According to recent studies, 19% of female veterinarians and 14% of male veterinarians have considered suicide. I learned yesterday of yet another veterinarian who took her own life, and I sat down to talk about why this is happening and what we need to do about it. I was a bit raw and I didn’t mean to get emotional, but that’s what was in my heart. I hope that this video will help people understand what it’s like to be a veterinarian and why we struggle. I also hope it will help anyone out there who is dealing with depression or considering suicide. You are not alone, and there are people who care about you who want to help. You always have other options. Please reach out if you need help. Your colleagues are here for you.

Dr Andy Roark

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